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Isn’t it amazing how people always remember the bad things you’ve done.

Peter’s Denial not His preaching at Pentecost
David’s sin with Bathsheeba not him bringing the ark home.
Jonah running from God not his preaching
Eve’s sin as oppose to her beginnings

The World remembers the bad things that we have done, Praise God He forgive us. 
Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

What do we want to be remembered for?
What legacy do we want to leave behind? Not to take any credit, but to say how God has used us.

Acts 9:1-6

Let’s briefly look at Paul’s life

1) Very religious – blameless according to the Law of Moses, a Pharisee among Pharisees, very zealous for the faith of his fathers.
2) Rich Heritage – a Jew among Jews, born into the tribe of Benjamin
3) Well educated – Trained at the feet of Gamaliel, one of Israel’s greatest teachers of the day
4) Ambitious – advancing quickly up the ranks of the Pharisees and had ability, desire and talent far above his peers.
5) Full of bitterness and hatred – hated anything and anyone who could be a threat to the things that he believed, and those who would cause trouble for his people and those who opposed the teachings of the high priest and the Law of Moses. He hated those who preached and taught heresy against the Law that had led Israel for so many years.

I. He Saw the Light

Saul had set off on a mission, to stop the spread of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and arrest or kill its followers. God had other plans.

Suddenly – a blinding flash of light knocked him off his high horse.


Saul encountered the Lord Jesus Christ on that Damascus road and it changed his life forever.

I can certainly say amen to that, I know each Salvation experience is different, but the end result is the same, a changed life 2 Corinthians 5:17. My life has certainly changed since I accepted Christ as my Saviour, since His Light got my attention. … Testimony - Desires changed

Is Christ the centre of your life? Is there anything in our lives that take priorities over the Lord?

2 Kings 20:20-21; 1 Kings 11:41; 1 Kings 22:45; 2 Kings 8:23

Have you ever stopped to think about how you will be remembered? I mean, when you are gone and folks stop by your grave or sit around in the house and talk about you, what will they say? On the other hand, you might wonder if you will be remembered at all.

You've heard it said, ''If you want to know how much you will be missed when you are gone, put your finger in a bucket of water, and then remove it. The hole that's left will be how much you are missed.''

Well, this is all a little humorous...hopefully, our life will have amounted to a little more than a piece of clothes. But, have you given serious thought as to how you will be remembered? How will people measure your life? What kind of an impression or impact will you have made on others? The truth is; in one way or the other, we are all leaving behind a legacy. People will remember us in certain ways.

QUOTE: Someone once said, ''When you were born, everyone else was smiling and you were crying. Live so that when you die, everyone else is crying and you are smiling.''1

Above all; your spiritual life and mine will be the most important thing for which we will be remembered. Take time to read the book of Hebrews, and see how God gives special attention to those who lived for Him, those who left behind a testimony of faith and commitment. Let me note just one of His examples. Here's what He said about Enoch: ''By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God'' (Hebrews 11:5).

I'm sure you feel like I do, more than anything else, we want to please Christ. This was Paul's overriding desire when he said,

Once we accept Christ as our Saviour we are:-
• To live a certain way – Romans 12:1-2
• Treat our wives a certain way – Eph 5:25
• Bring our children up a certain way – Proverbs 22:6
• Study God’s Word – 2 Timothy 2:15
• Pray – 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Keep your eyes on the Saviour…


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